This website is intended to provide resources to people with special needs who receive or have received Adapted Physical Education services. The website includes upcoming events, local recreational activities, best practices in APE, and other various resources that can be utilized to help build gross motor skills. Look for updates as this site will be updated frequently. Feel free to email me at if you have any questions
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Culture and Adapted Physical Education
Collaboration and
Studies have shown that Hispanic families are not as
familiar with APE services as Caucasian families. Parental expectations among Hispanic parents
were similar to Caucasian parents, but the preferences for modes of
communication and information are different.
Many culturally diverse families traditionally defer to educators and
allow them to make decisions that many believe should be made through a
collaboration process. This is likely
due to there lack of confidence in language.
Trained translators are recommended.
An article analyzing culture and its influence on children
with severe and multiple disabilities.
The research shows that familiar food, music, and customs are important
for them as they provide a link between home and school. Unfortunately, many
children with multiple or severe physical disabilities, and with communication
deficits, may not be able to effectively convey their prior cultural experiences
and knowledge. All students regardless of disabilitiy should be taught within
the context of their own cultural heritage, and their families should be an
integral part of the IEP team. This will
cause these students to be dependent upon teacher and their families to be
cultural mediators. The challenge then is to find common ground to maximize the
educational potential.
Having diverse heritages is a seen as a positive attribute
to classroom. Three things to consider
when having multiple cultures in a classroom.
1. Teachers must know and understand how culture impacts
their own lives before they can become responsive to children and families from
diverse backgrounds.
2. Teachers begin to
match children’s learning style
with teaching style.
3. Teachers recognize that language plays a major
role in the instructional process. Teachers are sensitive to
the effect of language
differences on children’s responsiveness to teaching and
Physical Activity: A recent survey suggests that the USA
male and female participants take part in sports and physical activities mainly
for competition and improving skills.
Having a safe class environment for all different religions,
cultures, and sexual beliefs need to be respected and safe in all aspects. No
two people are alike. The world is a giant melting pot of
differences and people need to be respected regardless of your own
beliefs. All students are still children and all students need
Culture is a huge factor in many people’s lives. Incorporating
the family’s cultural beliefs are important for a cohesive team to have success
for the child. Some laws in other countries are not the same as in
the United States . If
you have a Hispanic family that does not know the teacher for their student,
they may be apprehensive to give information. Calling them or
sending them a letter describing what APE is about and what the services are
will be beneficial for the family in the long run, even if the language barrier
is there.
Students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing have the right and
deserve to learn the same curriculum as their hearing peers. Deaf
culture is a very strong group of people. Learning American Sign
Language as a teacher or using other visual aids will help not only the student
who is deaf, but probably other students as well. Talking about
differences in people, like doing the Disability Awareness Week, could not only
help you as the teacher learns, but letting other students learn that it’s not
a scary thing. Using peer tutors for students of any ability
level is also beneficial. They then have the opportunity to work
with a partner and can give feedback to each other. With a student
who is deaf, they may need more time with their partner; they can have the use
of the interpreter and use written or visual cues.
Samoan families have been raised through generations and are
very strong in culture. Teachers need to be aware of their
upbringings. A lot of teachers want students to look at them
if they are talking to each other. When a Pasifika (Pacific
Island peoples in New
Zealand ) child is being reprimanded, they
show their respect to their elders by bowing their
heads. Having a child brought up this way, then having a
teacher to look at them, might be confusing for that child. Pacific
Islanders take great pride in their culture and
language. Incorporating others cultures into your class can help and
also asking parents to collaborate with ideas from their culture for ideas.
Respecting the beliefs and knowing the differences between
fact and fiction is crucial for educators. Modifying clothes for
certain cultures would be ideal for some cultures. Wearing shorts
under dress or finding a place for students that pray 5 times a day, finding a
safe, quiet place for them to do that is important. One of the
Pillars of Islam is Ramadan where adults (13 years old) fast from sun up to sun
down. They cannot eat or drink during this time. Making
students run on a hot day where they cannot drink water could put them in
danger as well as the teacher themselves.
Many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students
are bullied, as are other students, but there are many that end up committing
suicide because of the bullying. For many students in the LGBT
community, they still feel they are not accepted by either friends or family
around them. At the beginning of the year in class, you can
state what is appropriate and not appropriate language to use that
are offending to people of the LGBT community and people in general. This
goes for religions and slang that are derogatory to people in life.
-Communicating with
Hispanic Parents of Children with and without Disabilities
Journal of Physical
Education, Recreation & Dance
Luis Columna , Terry A. Senne & Rebecca Lytle
-Ensuring the Success of
Deaf Students in Inclusive Physical Education
Journal of Physical
Education, Recreation & Dance
Jessica L. Schultz , Lauren J. Lieberman , M. Kathleen Ellis & Linda C. Hilgenbrinck
-Additive bilingual
education: Unlocking the culture of silence
Patisepa Tuafuti
MAI Review, 2010, 1
“So, You're a Muslim?
(Not That There's Anything Wrong With That)”
Journal of Physical
Education, Recreation & Dance
Debra A. Ballinger
Best Practices
-Creating an
LGBT-inclusive School Climate
A Teaching Tolerance
Guide for School Leaders
Exploring teaching practices in physical
education with culturally diverse classes: a cross-cultural study Symeon
Dagkas*University of Birmingham European Journal of Teacher Education Vol. 30,
No. 4, November 2007, pp. 431–443
Inclusion in Physical Education:
Changing the Culture APRIL TRIPP TERRY L. RIZZO LINDA WEBBERT. JOPERD • Volume 78 No. 2 • February 2007
Acceptance-Rejection:Theory, Methods, Cross-Cultural Evidence, and ImplicationsRONALD P. ROHNER
Ethnic differences in social correlates of
diet. Karen
Weber Cullen1, Oxford
Journals Medicine Health
Education ResearchVolume
17, Issue 1 Pp. 7-18. Karen
Weber Cullen1,
Baranowski1, Emiel
Monday, July 8, 2013
Inclusion and Adapted Physical Education
Article #7 (Inclusion):
Implementing Disability Sports in the General Physical Education
Article Information: Journal: Journal of Physical Education,
Recreation & Dance. Authors: Ronald
Davis a , Suzanna Rocco-Dillon b , Michelle Grenier c , David Martinez d &
Amy Aenchbacker.
This article states that IDEA has pushed for inclusion by
stating that each child should be educated in the Least Restrictive
Environment. One inclusive approach
that can be adopted by the physical education teachers is the development of a
disability sport curriculum. The article
discusses the interrelated task systems of the ecology of the gymnasium. This consists of an instructional task system,
a Managerial Task System, and a social Task System. An Instructional Task System involves
development, sequencing, risk, ambiguity of tasks, novelty, challenge,
culturally relevant instruction and student ownership. Managerial Task System involves accountability, rules and routines,
expectations, consequences, monitoring, and assessment. The Social Task System involves the student
socializing, passing the course, teacher student relationships, and student to
student relationships while providing an overall good social climate. The four key considerations that must be
implemented while program planning are recognize the similarities in content
between traditional and disability sports, consider key teaching cues to be
presented for student of all abilities, match the key teaching points with the
students assessment performance, and finally, implement the lesson while making
sure to take into account the student current functioning levels. Having accurate assessment results will allow
you to make a sound physical education lesson.
You should discuss modifications with your student and can even let them
choose or develop which rules/ modification you want to establish within the
game. This article offered many
practical approaches to helping a student who is receiving consult services be
successful in a unit of goal ball. Including
disability sports in the GPE curriculum has the potential to unite students of
all abilities through successful participation.
In order for their participation to be meaningful, appropriate
consultative services will be needed for many students with disabilities who
are receiving APE consults services.
Article #8 (Inclusion):
Empowering children with special educational needs to speak up:
experiences of inclusive physical education.
Article Information: Authors: JANINE COATES & PHILIP
VICKERMAN. Disability and
Rehabilitation, 2010; 32(18): 1517–1526.
Faculty of Education, Community and Leisure, Liverpool
John Moores University ,
Liverpool , England ,
UK .
This article examines the viewpoint of children that have
special education needs attending both mainstream and special schools in
relation to their experiences in the physical education setting. The findings of this study offered ideas
about how to improve PE and make it more beneficial for the students with
disabilities. The findings show that
students are empowered through consultation and also when the students are
aware of their own abilities and needs. When students from various schools were asked
about their physical education preferences they indicated an overall preference
for athletic and game activities. Dance
activities were the least favored in the study with 45 % of the children with special
needs not liking dance. Many of them
said it was hard because they had to remember the steps from a day to day basis
with more to learn each day. The
students with special needs overall perceived themselves to be good at sports
but most believed that others thought they were not good. The results of this study showed that many of
the special needs students were being bullied but did like the teacher that
they had. Even though most of the
students did like there teachers. The
findings suggest that teachers did not uphold their responsibility for managing
situations that involved redirecting negative behaviors to minimize the
students feeling or distress.
Article #9 (Inclusion):
Let the children have their say: children with special educational needs
and their experiences of Physical Education – a review
Information: Authors: JANINE COATES
compilation © 2008 NASEN. Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600
Garsington Road , Oxford OX4
2DQ , UK
and 350 Main St , Malden ,
MA , 02148 , USA .
article reviews the perspectives of students with disabilities with regards to
their experiences related to physical education. There are six key that are discussed which
were the students experiences with regards to
- Their experience of PE
- Their experience with PE
- Discrimination by others.
- Feelings of self-doubt
- Barriers to inclusion
- Empowerment and
findings of this study suggest that students with disabilities enjoy Physical
Education when they are fully included.
Findings indicated that the students are limited in physical education
when discrimination, limited teacher training, and limited materials are
Collaboration and Adapted Physical Education
Article #4 (Consultation): Teaching Collaboration and
Consultation Skills to Pre-service
Adapted Physical Education Teachers
Article info: Journal of Physical Education, Recreation
& Dance
Publication details, including instructions for authors and
subscription information: Rebecca Lytle a , Barky Lavay b , Nancy
Robinson c & Carol Huettig.
The intention of this article is to determine what Adapted
Physical Education specialists need in order to work effectively with other
professionals. It is directed towards
strengthening the collaboration and consultation skills of pre-service APE
teachers. The APE teacher should not be
viewed as “The expert” but should be equal to others in which the APE teacher
collaborates with. In order to be an
effective collaborator, you must be able to Reflect on your own personal
practice, be open and receptive and value ideas from others, share
responsibility, share resources, share an equal power, and understand that you
are equally accountable for the outcomes of the collaborative team. The class that took part in this study took
part in mock IEP’s with parents explaining the grief process of having a child
with a disability. Introductory
assignments included collaboration Web site, professional teacher interview, a
case study and assessment report assignment.
After giving various assignments to pre service APE teachers it is found
that the first thing an APE teacher needs to have in order to be an effective
collaborator in the APE field is to be knowledgeable of their own field. They must also be understanding and
respectful to other team member’s thoughts and opinion. Many people will have different training and
backgrounds that must be communicated and processed. The conclusion is that university programs
must find and develop assignments and activities that help pre-service APE
teachers become great collaborators.
Article #5 (Consultation): Planning and Documenting Consultation in
Adapted Physical Education.
Article Information: From the Journal of Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance. Martin E. Block a
, Shirley Brodeur a & William Brady a
a Adapted physical education, in the kinesiology program, University
of Virginia ,
Published online: 11
Mar 2013 .
This article explains that the role of Adapted Physical
Education teachers has change over the years.
It states that in the 80’s APE teachers were primarily responsible for
direct service in special schools or in self contained classes within public
schools. Inclusion has played a huge
role in today’s education which has increased the need for collaboration skills
among teachers. The consulting
assistance includes providing information about specific activities, behavioral
and instructional strategies, the IEP plan, how to assess students with
disabilities, and how to be an advocate for such students. The purpose of this article is to present
information and forms that can be used by APE specialists when developing a
consulting plan and when documenting on going consultation. The first step when coming up with a
consultation plan is to outline basic information about the process such as who
when and where consultation will involve. OT’s and PT’s should be involved even
if it is limited. You should also
document consultation by having a consultation log or the date/time,
communication style, Issues/problems, and a plan for implementation. There must also be a mechanism to ensure that
solutions to problems that have been discussed are implemented in a timely
fashion. The best times to meet are
right after or right before the GPE teacher works with the student. Specialists need to explain that there role
is not to work with the student directly but to help teachers provide
appropriate physical education services to the student with consult
services. You should outline the
various ways that they can provide information including face to face meetings,
regular mail and email, observation followed by direct feedback and demonstrations. In
order to be effective, APE consultation needs to consist of more than just
chance meetings and occasional conversations.
It should be well planned and documented, and also needs to be carried out. Overall this was a very easy to read article
that provided many resources to utilize as an APE teacher and also emphasized
the “make sure it is carried out” aspect fo the consultation process which I
believe is essential in order to ensure the consultation method is an effective
designated instructional special education service.
Article #6 (Consultation): The Effects of Consultation on Individualized
Education Program Outcomes for Children with Autism.
Article information: Volume 32 Number 4, September 2010 286-301Lisa A.
Ruble, Nancy J. Dalrymple, and John H. McGrew Journal of Early Intervention, Volume 32 Number 4, September 2010 286-301
This article had to do with the effects of consultation
in the physical education settings. The
purpose of the article was to analyze the effects of consultation using a
collaborative model. A Parent-teacher
and four additional consultations with the GE teacher occurred throughout the
course of a school year. The results
were promising that the collaborative and consultation models are effective in
developing a better educational experience for students with special
Three articles on Collaboration
Collaboration Article #1
Title: Physical Educators and School Counselors
Collaborating to Foster Successful Inclusion of Students with Disabilities
Author: Webb, Daniel, Webb, Tammy T., Fults-McMurtery, Regina ,
Physical Educator, 00318981, 20110101, Vol. 68, Issue 3
Summary: This article did a good job of explaining the
1. Explained the impact of federal legislation and it’s
impact on education students with disabilities.
2. Explained the changing roles of physical educators and
3. Explained collaborative approaches to successful
inclusion of students with disabilities in physical education.
Recent legislation has put emphasis on professionals to
foster successful inclusion of students with disabilities. Physical educators are no longer solely
confined to addressing issues pertaining to safety, developmentally appropriate
activities, and/ or optimizing instructional time, but they must now as a
result of various legislative mandates address issues pertaining to advocacy
for students with disabilities, collaborating with paraprofessionals, and
serving on IEP teams. Counselors now provide services to students with and
without disabilities in order to provide successful inclusion. The article explained that collaboration is
an important component of fostering successful inclusion of students with
disabilities. It emphasized that
physical educators and school counselors should begin to collaborate to
increase both students with disabilities and schools level of achievement. The counselor should be utilized by the
physical educator by assisting with making practical programmatic decisions
relative to grouping, planning inclusive developmentally appropriate
activities, and teaching functional skill development regarding students with
disabilities. PE teachers should invite
the counselor out to watch the class and be receptive to advice given such as
best practices etc. The knowledge and resources needed to increase students
with disabilities success requires a collaborative effort amongst direct
service providers in order to ensure that students with disabilities needs are
being met. Overall I believe this was an
okay article. It did not mention the
role of the Adapted Physical Educator, Special Education Teacher, or Behavior
Analyst. I believe collaborative
experiences with all of those providers could also help to provide the best
opportunity for the special needs student to be successful.
Collaboration Article # 2
Title: Collaborative Teaching of Motor Skills for
Preschoolers with Motor Delays.
Author: Nathan M. Murata Æ Carol A. Tan
Other Information: Early Childhood Educ J (2009) 36:483–489
DOI 10.1007/s10643-007-0212-5
This article emphasizes the collaborative approach in teaching
the motor domain and how that facilitates developing preschool readiness skills
such as motor imitation, bilateral coordination and sequencing, and also
spatial awareness while simultaneously taking the child’s special needs into
consideration. The article states that
in some cases. Collaborative efforts reduce the amount of time required for
direct service in isolation and promote a sense of shared responsibility and
accountability between services for addressing the motor domain. A natural setting might be the ideal context
to provide a collaborative model of service delivery. APE teachers, PT’s, and OT’s should design
activities that first address preschool readiness skills like imitation skills,
bilateral integration and sequencing skills, and spatial awareness skills while
being sure to consider the special needs of the child. Implementing a sound motor program for
preschoolers with developmental delays will likely lead to age appropriate
functional skills, including independent activities of daily living and the
ability for the student to access community activities and sport.
Article #3 Collaboration:
General Education and Special Education Teachers collaborate to Support
ELL’s with Learning Disabilities.
Article Information: H Nguyen, CSU Longbeach, Pg 127-129. Issues in Education, 2012.
This article has to do with language skills and students who
are English language learners and also have learning disabilities. It gave examples of how students became
considered ELL students and students with Learning Disabilities Ex: Students
fall 20 points below IQ scores. The main
point of the article is to make sure that teachers who work with these students
are especially needed to ensure the students success. Teachers and DIS providers should work
collaboratively to make sure these students are provided with the most
appropriate instruction. The article
mentioned that if teachers were more successful with collaborating with each
other that many of these students would not need to be considered ELL or
Sunday, July 7, 2013
It is important to consider and understand diversity because
all students we teach have their own individual background, experiences, and
culture that we as teachers must understand in order to provide the most
appropriate educational experience for our students. Teachers must adapt and
change curriculum to fit the needs of each individual student that we have. If we were to assume that diversity did not
exist in the classroom we would have to assume that all kids had the exact same
intelligence, culture, childhood experiences, social skills, and physical
ability. In a realistic classroom setting
this does not exist. While teaching
Adapted Physical Education, I have noticed that I have had some of the most
diverse classes in the educational system.
For example, some of my APE classes have consisted of students ranging
from severe autism to students who have visual impairments but are able to take
and complete college preparatory classes with appropriate accommodations. Obviously providing the same education
material to each of these students would not work. Each child needs to be
reached in a specific manner in order to address the diverse needs of our
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